Tuesday, December 27, 2011

First Unafficial Photoshoot

I had a project for health and it included getting a picture of ourself, so I went through my profile pictures and decided nothing was recent enough because I got a haircut. I invited my friend to come because I can't take pictures of myself and she needed a good picture too and the results weren't half bad. I refuse to call this an Official Photoshoot because it was for a project and nothing serious. But one is coming up soon :D My cousin is trying to become a model so Imma get some bomb pics for him=) male model at the age of four. But anyways, I took all pictures except for the ones of me. email me or comment if you'de like a photoshoot, or if you have my number, HIT ME UP!

BTW she was hard to work with, all giggly and all, so wish me luck taking good shots of my crazy, spazzy, tackling four year old cousin.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Pictures. Not photography yet.

So I hear that the first 1,000 photos that you take will be your worst. 
I find that very sad because I have these on the line.
Oh well :)
Just keep snapping :)

Made some new friends

Made a lot of new friends on Dance Drill Team. 
That's gunna be my high school life.
Dance Drill 10-11 <3


One sunday morning in sunny cerritos....
It rained.
And all day long I was singing
Sunday Morning Rain is Falling.....and so on :)

Mushroom men

My freind made a man out of a mushroom.
It's adorable.

CHS football.... -_______-

went to my first high school football game. GO CERRITOS!

Hey there stranger :)

Oh hi, I didn't see you there. I know. Very cheesy :) It's been.....quite some time since I've been on here. My next couple of posts will show what I've been up to. Get ready!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hey there stranger :)

Saw this in Pho :D

Dance/Drill Team 11-12

Summer <3

ABT (American Ballet Theatre) Production

Awesome Ring my friend made
Hi there people...of this world? Starting posts are so awkward for me. As you can see, I havent been on here for......a long time. But thanks to the lovely Shirly and Paige, I'm starting back up! But no promises on consistency. So my summer's almost gone. I think I have two weeks until FRESHMAN YEAR. Yes, I am a little terrified, but I'm going to survive. SO! during this summer I did a LOT of things. I went to this leadership camp and is officially a counselor! I went to the beach.....a lot.....and played a lot of vollyball. Oh and dance! A whole lotta dance! I tried out for my high school dance drill team (DDT) for Cerritos High, and i got in! I'm really excited for that because we compete and a whooole tunna stuff. I got the wonderful oppertunity to stay in a luxury hotel (Surf and Sand Laguna Beach), which was AMAZING. Theres so much more, but with my posts, I guess I'm starting from here. Cerritos High Class of 2015 here I come.  <3 SpazzyJazzy

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Isnt this the coolest thing ever?!?! I downloaded it as an app on my phone and i was like WOOWWW!