Friday, August 26, 2011

Hey there stranger :)

Saw this in Pho :D

Dance/Drill Team 11-12

Summer <3

ABT (American Ballet Theatre) Production

Awesome Ring my friend made
Hi there people...of this world? Starting posts are so awkward for me. As you can see, I havent been on here for......a long time. But thanks to the lovely Shirly and Paige, I'm starting back up! But no promises on consistency. So my summer's almost gone. I think I have two weeks until FRESHMAN YEAR. Yes, I am a little terrified, but I'm going to survive. SO! during this summer I did a LOT of things. I went to this leadership camp and is officially a counselor! I went to the beach.....a lot.....and played a lot of vollyball. Oh and dance! A whole lotta dance! I tried out for my high school dance drill team (DDT) for Cerritos High, and i got in! I'm really excited for that because we compete and a whooole tunna stuff. I got the wonderful oppertunity to stay in a luxury hotel (Surf and Sand Laguna Beach), which was AMAZING. Theres so much more, but with my posts, I guess I'm starting from here. Cerritos High Class of 2015 here I come.  <3 SpazzyJazzy